Zakaat and its Rules and Regulations

Allah's Name (we) begin with, The Compassionate Most Merciful

As Salaatu Was Salaamu Alaika Ya Rasool'Allah
صلٰى الله عليه و سلم

Imam Ahmed reports from Asma bint Yazid on the merit of it being a Hasan narration, that she said, ‘my aunt and I presented ourselves before Nabi Kareem Sall Allahu alaihi wa Sallam, and we were wearing gold bangles (bracelets).  He Sall Allahu alaihi wa Sallam asked, ‘Have you paid its Zakaat?’  We said, ‘No’.  He Sall Allahu alaihi wa Sallam said, ‘Do you not fear that Almighty Allah will let you wear bangles of fire?  Pay its Zakaat!’’

Abu Dawud reported from Samurah bin Jundub that Rasoolullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Sallam would command us to pay Zakaat for that which we have acquired for trade purposes.

Law:  If gold and silver have been mixed together, then in this case if the gold is more (in quantity), it will be regarded as gold.  Alternatively, if both are equal, and the gold reaches the standard Nisaab, either by itself or after being mixed with the silver, it will then still be regarded as gold.  If the (quantity of) silver is more, it will be regarded as silver, and if it reaches the Nisaab, Zakaat will be paid on it as silver.  However, if there is such an amount of gold in it which is more than the price (value) of the silver, then in this case, all of it will be counted as gold.  [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Raddul Muhtar vol.2 Pg.43]


Sag e Mufti e Azam
Muhammad Afthab Cassim Qaadiri Razvi Noori
Imam Mustafa Raza Research Centre, Durban, South Africa

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