The second right of a Muslim is that he should accept the invitation of his Muslim brother. It is Sunnah to accept an invitation and following Sunnahs is the means to success in both worlds. Some Ahadith are
being presented in relation to accepting invitations and its etiquette's. Read them and act upon them to obtain eternal rewards.

Accept an Invitation

Hazrat Abdullah bin ‘Umar Radiallaho Ta’ala ‘Anhuma narrates that Rasool Allah ( Peace be Upon Him), “When someone invites you to a Walima, you should certainly attend.” (Bukhari Shareef vol 2 page 777)

What if there are Multiple Invitations?

A Companion narrates that the Beloved Prophet of Allah Ta’ala ( Peace be Upon Him)said, “If you receive multiple invitations, accept the invitation of the one whose door is closest, and accept the invitation of the one
who invites you first.” (Abu Dawood Shareef vol 2 page 527)

Going Without Being Invited

Hazrat Abdullah bin ‘Umar Radiallaho Ta’ala ‘Anhuma narrates that Rasool Allah ( Peace be Upon Him)said, “The person who receives an invitation but does not attend is disobedient to Allah and His
Prophet, and the one who attends without an invitation enters like a thief and leaves like a bandit.” (Abu Dawood vol 2 page 525)

Attending with the Family

Hazrat Anas Radiallaho Ta’ala ‘Anhu narrates that when Rasool Allah ( Peace be Upon Him) saw some women and children returning from a wedding invitation he stood up in delight and said, “Allah is my
witness that you are the most beloved to me amongst all the people.”
(Bukhari Shareef vol 2 page 778)

Inviting Only the Rich is Evil

Hazrat Abu Hurairah Radiallaho Ta’ala ‘Anhu narrates that the Beloved Rasool Allah ( Peace be Upon Him) said, “The worst feast is the wedding (Walima) feast where only the rich are invited and the poor are not, and the person who receives an invitation but does not attend is disobedient to Allah and His Prophet Rasool Allah ( Peace be Upon Him) ” (Bukhari vol 2 page 778)

Every word spoken by the Beloved Prophet and possessor of unseen knowledge has been proven to be true. Nowadays, people invite leaders, politicians and the wealthy from far and wide to attend wedding feasts with great pride, regardless of their religious affiliations. The poor, needy and destitute are deprived of invitations to such feasts. Such people should realize that the feasts where the poor are not invited are not Sunnah but are innovations, and instead of earning rewards, they become the means for punishment. May
Allah Ta’ala guide us all to perform all our work and duties according to Sunnah.

Boastful Feasts Should Not Be Attended

Hazrat Akrama Radiallaho Ta’ala ‘Anhu narrates that Rasool Allah ( Peace be Upon Him) forbade people from eating the food of those who were boastful and arrogant. (Abu Dawood Shareef vol 2 page 527)

Wedding Feasts Should Be Organized

Hazrat Anas Bin Malik Radiallaho Ta’ala ‘Anhu narrates that Rasool Allah ( Peace be Upon Him) said, “Organise a wedding feast (Walima) even if it is with only one goat.” (Bukhari vol 2 page 776)

How Long Should a Wedding Feast Last?

Hazrat Ibn Mas’ood Radiallaho Ta’ala ‘Anhu narrates that Rasool Allah ( Peace be Upon Him) said, “The feast on the first day is rightful (meaning it is proven and should be organized). The feast on the second day is
Sunnah but organizing a feast on the third day is ostentatious (showing off) and those who show off will be shown (punished) by Allah Ta’ala.” (Tirmidhi Shareef vol 1 page 208)

How Long Should Hospitality Last?

Hazrat Abu Shareeh Ka’abi Radiallaho Ta’ala ‘Anhu narrates that Rasool Allah ( Peace be Upon Him) said, “The person who believes in Allah Ta’ala and on the Day of Judgement should revere guests. One day and one night is his right (meaning do not spare any expense in providing for the guest on the first day), and hospitality is for three days (meaning provide them whatever you have, do not burden yourself). Anything
after three days is charity (Sadqa). It is not permissible for a guest to stay for more than three days if that is a burden on the host.” (Bukhari vol 2 page 906, Abu Dawood vol 2 page 526)

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