Muharram First Day Dua | Islamic New Year Dua
This Dua / Supplication is to read on sighting of Moon of Muharram Month. This dua has very high blessing. Below is the Dua for start of hijri year.
Allahumma Antal Abadiyyul Qadeem, Wa Haazihi Sanatun Jadeedatun, As'aluka Feehal 'Ismata Minash Shaytaan wa Awliya'i,
wa La'awna wa La Haazil Nafsil Ammarati bus Soo' wal Ishtighaala bimaaa Yugharribuni, Ya Kareem!
O Allah! You are the everlasting and eternal One, and this is the new year.
I am supplicating to you for Protection and safety from the devil and his companions,
and seek help and victory against those who command to do evil against the soul.
I ask for help in remaining busy in deeds which will bring me closer to You, O Merciful Lord.
The Merits of this supplication is that one who recites this after sighting the moon of Muharram, Shaitan says. "Alas! We are hopeless against this person." Allah Ta'alaa points to Angels over the person who recites this, who safeguard and protect him throughout the year.
Muharram First Day Dua Video
This Dua / Supplication is to read on sighting of Moon of Muharram Month. This dua has very high blessing. Below is the Dua for start of hijri year.
Allahumma Antal Abadiyyul Qadeem, Wa Haazihi Sanatun Jadeedatun, As'aluka Feehal 'Ismata Minash Shaytaan wa Awliya'i,
wa La'awna wa La Haazil Nafsil Ammarati bus Soo' wal Ishtighaala bimaaa Yugharribuni, Ya Kareem!
O Allah! You are the everlasting and eternal One, and this is the new year.
I am supplicating to you for Protection and safety from the devil and his companions,
and seek help and victory against those who command to do evil against the soul.
I ask for help in remaining busy in deeds which will bring me closer to You, O Merciful Lord.
The Merits of this supplication is that one who recites this after sighting the moon of Muharram, Shaitan says. "Alas! We are hopeless against this person." Allah Ta'alaa points to Angels over the person who recites this, who safeguard and protect him throughout the year.
Muharram First Day Dua Video
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