Dhul Hijjah Nafil Namaz Dua - Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah - Eid ud Duha Namaz

Zil Hajj Nafil Namaz Dua - Blessings of the Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah

Importance of Dhul Hijjah

Dhul Hijjah Nafil Namaz Dua - Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah - Eid ud Duha Namaz

The Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said and narrated by and on the authority of Hadrat Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah (Radi Allahu Anhu),: “There are no days more beloved to Allah that He be worshiped in them than the ten days of Dhul Hijjah. Each day of fasting in it is equivalent to the fast of an entire year. And each night standing in prayer is equivalent to standing in prayer on the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr).” [Jaami’ al-Tirmidhi, Vol. 3, Hadith 758]

Hadrat Sayyiduna Ibn Umar (Radi Allahu Anhu) narrates that “The Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said: ‘When the evening of Arafah arrives, nobody with a mustard seed’s weight of faith (Iman) in their hearts is left, except that they are forgiven.” It was said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, is this restricted only to the people on Arafah?’ He said: ‘No, it is for all of the Muslims.’” [Majma’ al-Zawa’id, Vol. 3, Page 252]

Hadrat Sayyidatuna Ayesha (Radi Allahu Anha) narrates that, the Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) used to consider fasting the Day of Arafah as fasting one thousand days. [Majma’ al-Zawa’id, Vol. 3, Page 189]

Dhul Hijjah Nafil Namaz, Dua

1) 4 Rakats (2 Salams)

In the first night (After Isha Namaz) of Dhul Hijjah month, Pray 4 Rakats with 2 Salams. 
In every Rakat, read Sureh Fatiha once and Sureh Iqlas 25 times.

Rewards: Allah will bless with abundant Rewards and Blessings  Insha Allah

2) 2 Rakats

From the first night till 10th night (After Isha Namaz) of Dhul Hijjah month, Pray 2 Rakats with 1 Salams. 
In every Rakat, read Sureh Fatiha once and Sureh Iqlas 3 times.

Rewards: Allah will add abundant Rewards and Blessings in his Amal Nama and erase his sins from his Amal Nama.  Insha Allah

3) 2 Rakats

From the first night till 10th night (After Isha Namaz) of Dhul Hijjah month, Pray 2 Rakats with 1 Salams. 
In first Rakat, read Sureh Fatiha once, Ayatal Kursi once and Sureh Iqlas 15 times.
In second Rakat, read Sureh Fatiha once, Sureh Baqara last rukhu once and Sureh Iqlas 15 times.

Rewards: Allah will forgive his sins  Insha Allah

4) 4 Rakats

In the second night (After Isha Namaz) of Dhul Hijjah month, Pray 4 Rakats with 2 Salams. 
In every Rakat, read Sureh Fatiha once, Ayatal Kursi 3 times, Sureh Iqlas 3 times, Sureh Falaq 3 times and Sureh Naas 3 times.

After Salam, recite Darood Sharif and recite this below dua:

Subhana Dhil-Izzati wal-Jabaruti Subhana Dhil-Qudrati wal-Malakuti Subhanal-Hayyil-ladhi La-yamutu La ilaha illa Huwa yuhyi wa-yumitu wa-Huwa Hayyula yamut Subha-nallahi Rabbul-'ibaadi wal-bilaadi wal-hamdulil-lahi kathiran tayyibum-mubarakan 'ala kulli halin. Allahu Akbaru kabiran Rabbana jalla--Jalalun wa Qudratuhu bi-kulli-makan

Rewards: Recite Darood Sharif 11 times after the above dua and ask for anything (Which is Rightful) to Allah in dua and will be rewarded.  Insha Allah

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Qurbani Niyat, Dua aur Sunnat Tarika

How to perform Eid Ul Adha Namaz, Niyat and Dua

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