What Is Salaat, Namaz (Prayer)?
The Prayer is:
After proper acceptance of faith and its inherent beliefs, i.e. the recitation of the Pure Words (Kalemah Tayyebah), the most important duty is that of offering the Prayer.
The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has stated: "The first duty that Allah, the Supreme, has ordained upon my nation is that of offering Prayer, and indeed Prayer is the first thing that will be taken account of on the Day of Resurrection."
It is also reported in the Hadith that, "Whoever keeps the Prayer established, has kept his religion established - and whoever leaves Prayer has demolished religion".
It is reported by Syedna Abu Hurairah (may Allah be well pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ Allah the Supreme states, 'O the son of Adam! Free yourself for My worship, I shall fill your heart with content - and if you do not do so, I shall make you busy in several affairs but not remove your poverty.' " (Mishkaat ul Masabeeh, Ibn Majah)
"Be content with five things before (the advent of) the other five: Youth before old age, good health before sickness, prosperity before poverty, spare time before indulgence in affairs, and life before death." (Hadith reported in Tirmizi)
Regrettably, the Muslims of this age have forgotten Prayer. Most people simply do not have the time for it, whereas some people do offer their Prayers but do not know the proper way of offering it. It is imperative to learn the correct way of offering the Prayer, and to offer all the 5 Obligatory Prayers with the congregation.
This concise book attempts to highlight the importance, excellence, mode and rules of Prayer from the Holy Qur'an, Hadith, books of Hanafi Jurisprudence, Fatawa Razvia and Bahaare Shariat. May Allah grant all Muslims the guidance to seek religious knowledge and to act upon it - Aameen (and through the supplications of the Holy Prophet - peace and blessings be upon him).
Source: The Book Of Prayer (Kitaab-ul-salaat)
By Allamah Sayyed Shah Turab Ulhaque Qadri Rahmatullah Alai
English Translation by Mohammed Aqib Farid Qadri
The Prayer is:
- The coolness of the eyes of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (peace and blessings be upon him)
- A pillar of religion
- The key to paradise
- The spiritual ascent of the faithful believer.
- The greater Jihad (holy war)
- A sign of faith
- Light of the heart
- The radiance of the face
- The nourishment of the soul.
- A cause of blessings in the house
- A cause of abundance in provision
- Cure for ailments of the body and soul
- A light in the gloom of the grave
- A canopy in the hot sun on the Day of Resurrection
- An entertainer of the heart amidst the fear of the grave
- A swift carrier across the thin bridge on the Day of Resurrection
- A means of attaining forgiveness from sins
- A barrier between hell and the offerer of Prayers
- A repeller of the devil
- A bestower of Allah's proximity and His favour.
After proper acceptance of faith and its inherent beliefs, i.e. the recitation of the Pure Words (Kalemah Tayyebah), the most important duty is that of offering the Prayer.
The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has stated: "The first duty that Allah, the Supreme, has ordained upon my nation is that of offering Prayer, and indeed Prayer is the first thing that will be taken account of on the Day of Resurrection."
It is also reported in the Hadith that, "Whoever keeps the Prayer established, has kept his religion established - and whoever leaves Prayer has demolished religion".
It is reported by Syedna Abu Hurairah (may Allah be well pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ Allah the Supreme states, 'O the son of Adam! Free yourself for My worship, I shall fill your heart with content - and if you do not do so, I shall make you busy in several affairs but not remove your poverty.' " (Mishkaat ul Masabeeh, Ibn Majah)
"Be content with five things before (the advent of) the other five: Youth before old age, good health before sickness, prosperity before poverty, spare time before indulgence in affairs, and life before death." (Hadith reported in Tirmizi)
Regrettably, the Muslims of this age have forgotten Prayer. Most people simply do not have the time for it, whereas some people do offer their Prayers but do not know the proper way of offering it. It is imperative to learn the correct way of offering the Prayer, and to offer all the 5 Obligatory Prayers with the congregation.
This concise book attempts to highlight the importance, excellence, mode and rules of Prayer from the Holy Qur'an, Hadith, books of Hanafi Jurisprudence, Fatawa Razvia and Bahaare Shariat. May Allah grant all Muslims the guidance to seek religious knowledge and to act upon it - Aameen (and through the supplications of the Holy Prophet - peace and blessings be upon him).
Source: The Book Of Prayer (Kitaab-ul-salaat)
By Allamah Sayyed Shah Turab Ulhaque Qadri Rahmatullah Alai
English Translation by Mohammed Aqib Farid Qadri
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