Ramadan 1st, 2nd, 3rd Ashra Dua
#Ramadan month is of 29 days or 30 days depending on lunar calendar. This is further divided into 3 Ashras. The word “Ashra’” is an Arabic word for 10 days. When some one says Pehla Ashra, He means that he is talking about the first 10 days of Ramadan. In the same way Doosra Ashra and Teesra Ashra.
The first Ashra is from 1 to 10 Ramadhan, second Ashra is from 11 to 20th Ramadhan and Ramadan,third one is from 21 to 30 Ramadhan.
Ramadan Ashra Names
1st ashra Rahmat : “Mercy of Allah”
2nd ashra Maghfirat : “Forgiveness of Allah”
3rd ashra Nijaat : “Salvation”
The first Ashra (first 10 days of Ramadan) is for Allah Almighty’s Mercy.
Translation: O! My Lord forgive and have Mercy and You are the Best of Merciful
The second Ashra is for Forgiveness
Translation: “I seek forgiveness from Allah, my Lord, from every sin I committed”
And the last and third Ashra is for protection from Hellfire.
Translation: “O Allah! Save me from the Hell – Fire.”
#Ramadan month is of 29 days or 30 days depending on lunar calendar. This is further divided into 3 Ashras. The word “Ashra’” is an Arabic word for 10 days. When some one says Pehla Ashra, He means that he is talking about the first 10 days of Ramadan. In the same way Doosra Ashra and Teesra Ashra.
The first Ashra is from 1 to 10 Ramadhan, second Ashra is from 11 to 20th Ramadhan and Ramadan,third one is from 21 to 30 Ramadhan.
Ramadan Ashra Names
1st ashra Rahmat : “Mercy of Allah”
2nd ashra Maghfirat : “Forgiveness of Allah”
3rd ashra Nijaat : “Salvation”
The first Ashra (first 10 days of Ramadan) is for Allah Almighty’s Mercy.
Translation: O! My Lord forgive and have Mercy and You are the Best of Merciful
The second Ashra is for Forgiveness
Translation: “I seek forgiveness from Allah, my Lord, from every sin I committed”
And the last and third Ashra is for protection from Hellfire.
Translation: “O Allah! Save me from the Hell – Fire.”
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