Allah's Name (we) begin with, The Compassionate Most Merciful
As Salaatu Was Salaamu Alaika Ya Rasool'Allah صلٰى الله عليه و سلم
Baz’zaar, Ibn Khuzaima and Ibn Hib’ban reported from Amr bin Mur’rah Radi Allahu anhu that a person (once) said, ‘Ya Rasool’Allah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Sallam tell me, if I bear testimony that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that you are the Rasool of Allah, and if I perform my five daily Namaaz, and give my Zakaat, and if I fast in Ramadaan, and if I remain standing (in Ibaadat) during the nights, then which category of people will I be in?’ He Sall Allahu alaihi wa Sallam said, ‘(you will be) from amongst the Siddiqeen and the Shuhada.’
There are three levels of fasting:
1. The fasting of the common folk (i.e. Laymen): this is to withhold the stomach and private parts from eating, drinking and sexual intimacy.
2. The Fasting of the (spiritually) Elite: with the exception of the above, they protect their ears, eyes, tongues, hands, feet and their entire body from sinful acts.
3. The Fasting of the (spiritually) Super Elite: they abstain from everything which is not for the sake of Allah completely, and they direct their attention only to Him (Allah). [Jauhira Nayyira]
Sag e Mufti e Azam
Muhammad Afthab Cassim Qaadiri Razvi Noori
Imam Mustafa Raza Research Centre, Durban, South Africa
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