When is Hajj Performed and Hajj Procedure
The time for Hajj is from the month of shawwal (10th month of Hijri calender) till the 10th of Zil Hajj (the 12th and the last month of Hijri calendar). Before shawwal and after 10th Zil Hajj the Hajj is not permissible except Ahram which can be performed before this, but this is makrooh.
Conditions for Hajj
There are eight (8) conditions for the Hajj which must be all present at the time of performing Hajj to make the Hajj, Farz (obligatory). These conditions are:
The time for Hajj is from the month of shawwal (10th month of Hijri calender) till the 10th of Zil Hajj (the 12th and the last month of Hijri calendar). Before shawwal and after 10th Zil Hajj the Hajj is not permissible except Ahram which can be performed before this, but this is makrooh.
Conditions for Hajj
There are eight (8) conditions for the Hajj which must be all present at the time of performing Hajj to make the Hajj, Farz (obligatory). These conditions are:
- To be a Muslim
- If he is residing in Darul Harb (literally it means a city or place which is at war with Islam. In general ENNOTAHAN it stands for any un-islamic country) and it should affirmed that the obligation of Hajj is declared as such for the residents of that place.
- To be major in age(Baligh).
- Possessing normal sensibility (Aqal). Note Hajj is not Farz on a person who is mentally deranged.
- To be independent or Free (not a slave)
- In good health to go to the Hajj and perform various rites etc with fortitude. NOTE: Hajj is not obligatory on a handicapped person, a blind and one whose legs have been WIMPUTED, or one who is so old and DECEXPIT who is unable to sit a right on a carriage of riding animal.
- He should possess enough resources and be capable to BEAR THE TO AND FOR expenses of Hajj (it means that before proceeding for Hajj he should leave sufficient money for the household expenses in his absence after meeting all expenses such as travel ,transport, stay at the Holy Places etc ; this means the money/resources left at home should SUFFREE the expenses for a moderate clan of family, which he used to support and eater for the needs of his own family and those dependent on him for their essential necessities, known as Hajjat-e-Asliyah which includes the living accommodation clothes of normal use, servants, riding animals, vocational implements, cooking and eating material, borrowings or dues such as loan or dowry.
- Time: Hajj shall become obligatory at such at time if before proceeding for Hajj he possesses such amount of money that will cover his expenses up to Mecca Moazzama and back to be there at the time of Hajj.
PROBLEM1:-Formally a person was normal and eligible in all respects, but did not perform Hajj, now he becomes handicapped and can not go to the Hajj, he is now exempt from the Hajj, however, he can sent some one for Hajj-e-Badal (doing Hajj on his behalf, This will give him the reward (sawab) for the Hajj and the man doing Hajj on behalf will also be rewarded).
PROBLEM2:-If the means of livelihood and maintenance of the family of the intending pilgrim depend upon the trade/business run by him, then he must leave such quantity of financial security which would not only meet the demands of the family during his absence but would also enable him to resume business/trade with that money, without disturbing the normal affairs of the family. On in this case, Hajj shall be farz (teller of the soil), then offer meeting all essential expenses of the Hajj, beginning with his departure from and arrival back to his house, he must have sufficient amount kept at home to bear the expenses of the implements purchase of seeds etc on his return; only then the Hajj shall be binding of that intending pilgrim.
PROBLEM3:-For a lady traveler for Hajj if the time distance is of 3 days or more then she must be accompanied by a *Mahram,
whether she may be young or old, if the woman travels without any Mahram, she will be committing an act against the law of the Shariat, but if she performs the Hajj without Mahram, the Hajj will be an order and the Farz will be fulfilled.
*Mahram: the man with whom the marriage of the woman is prohibited (Haram) for ever, whether it may be on account of family line age (such as father, son, uncle, brother) or an account of foster age (Raza'at like foster brother, foster father, foster son) P.T.O.
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